Monday, August 10, 2009

Yoskiko Uchida

Another heart touching story I really enjoyed reading was The Bracelet. It takes place in 1942 during the U.S and Japanese War. Its about a Japanese girl has to leave her best friend to go to an interment camp. She learns to use her memories to help herself cope with difficult situations.
This is a great story to read to students who’ve had to pick up and move. It teaches them to cope with leaving people and places that you care about and to use the memories as a way to deal with the transition.
Many of Uchida’s writings are inspired by her Japanese heritage. Reading her books, children learn ways characters deal with emotional situations. This gives the children time to read about other children’s' experiences and see ways that they handled their own situation.
Other books that Yoskiko Uchida has written are A Jar of Dreams, The Best Bad Thing, Picture Bride, Journey to Topaz and others.

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