Thursday, July 23, 2009

Newberry Award #2


The trouble started when Stanley was accused of stealing a pair of basketball shoes that were donated by the popular Clyde “Sweetfeet” Livingston. Stanley didn’t get upset with the judge because he believed it was because his family was under a curse. Stanley claimed they fell from the sky and hit him on his head (which was the truth) even though the judge didn’t believe him. Yelnats was punished and was sent to Camp Green Lake camp and he was excited. When he arrived he was faced with a rude awakening…this wasn’t like camps he had been to in the past….this was a camp where he was taught character by digging 5 foot deep and 5foot wide holes in the dried up desert. It didn’t take Stanley long to realize the warden was searching for something, so he decided to search for the truth.
My 3rd graders read this book last year during Literature Circle and loved it! It's an adventure and a mystery, with moments of high suspense, all neatly tied-off with a happy ending. It’s a great book for 3-4 grades!

Newbery Award #1

Joey Pigza loses Control is a comical book that my 3rd and 4th graders love!!!! Joey Pigza's life seems like a disaster....his parents are divorced, his dad lives with his grandma who smokes and only can breathe with an oxygen tank. And worst of all.....he has to take medicine each day because he's been diagonosed with ADHD which means he's extremely HYPER without his meds. Its summer and Joey must go stay with his dad and grandma. While on his stay, Joey realizes what his mom means when she tells him shes just like his dad....his dad doesn't stop talking and he to is WIRED!

Joey's goal is to please his father. His father believes that Joey is an orninary boy who doesn't need his meds. While Joey knows he must have them....he stops taking them and ends running away trying to get back home to his mother. The obstacles he goes through are hilarious. This book also allows you to see what a child with ADD goes through.

This book is so fun to read and kids beg to hear more....I love reading it to them!!!

Caldecott Honor #5 Olivia

Olivia is another favorite story of mine. Again, Dr. Petty introduced this book to me. She has great taste in books.) I just love Olivia's personality...she's a quirky little pig who is into everything....she imaginative and rambunctious acting as a typical young child. Throughout the story, Olivia stays entertained by dealing with her brother, building sand castles, trying to talk her way out of a nap, drawing on walls, and reading bedtime stories.

Everytime that I read this story, I laugh out loud thinking about the day that my 11 month old tries the same behaviors as Olivia. I know that she will so I'll have to reread the story and try to remember that the behaviors are typical. I feel this book can be enjoyed by everyone....a great family reading!

Caldecott Honor #4 Joseph Had a little Overcoat

Simms Taback relays an important message in Joseph Had a little Overcoat. The message in this story is simply, "You can make something out of nothing!" That is exactly what Joseph does in the story. Joseph has an overcoat that he loves and refuses to throw away even though it's old and worn. Because its so old, he decides to turn it into a jacket and from the jacket into a vest. It eventually is used as a button and Joseph loses it!

I feel that children can use this book to help them understand that just because something is old or bored with something they have....keep it and it can be used as something else. Reusing items and materials not only prevents clutter, but will also help our enviroment.

Caldecott Honor #3 Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

When a bus driver takes a break from his route, a very unlikely volunteer springs up to take his place…a pigeon! This just isn’t any pigeon, this is a persistent pigeon that pleads, wheedles, and begs his way through the book. Children love being able to answer back and decide his fate. Children can relate to this hilarious book because it sums up their temper tantrums when they don’t get their way.
I must admit when I first read this book, I wasn’t impressed. Then, Dr. Petty read it to us and added character…I was hutched over laughing and became a huge fan. I now do the same (adding character) for my students…they love it!

Caldecott Honor #2 When Sophie Gets Angry Really Really Angry

Sophie is playing with her stuffed gorilla when her sister takes it from her, knocking her to the floor. When their mother agrees that it is her sister's turn to play with the toy, Sophie becomes so angry that "She wants to smash the world to smithereens." She kicks, screams, and eventually runs into the woods where she climbs a huge beech tree, looks out over the water, and is comforted by the "wide world." Observing the word she becomes calm. She returns home ready to participate in family life.

I enjoy reading this book to my students. We discuss that there are going to be times in life when we all become angry and we have to learn how to “deal” with it! We discuss how Sophie deals with being angry and then the students have the opportunity to discuss appropriate behaviors they can do when they get upset.

Caldecott Honor #1 Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type

Doreen Cornin did a great job writing a fun book that young children enjoy reading. Farmer Brown has a problem with his cows. They have found an old type writer and they’ve learned how to use it. With it the cows begin writing letters to Farmer Brown requesting electric blankets because is cold in the barn at night. This makes Farmer Brown mad and he says no. The next letter from the cows is "We're closed. No milk today." The cows get the other animals involved such as the chickens. After no milk and no eggs Farmer Brown demands that the cows and chickens go back to work. By the end of the story the ducks get in on the demands as they are bored and want a diving board!

Children love listening to this book. They love reciting the words, “click clack moo, click clack moo, clickety clack moo.” The pictures add to the story and fit perfectly with what the story says.